About Us

Everyone is a bit of a “Blooper”!

At Blooper Magazine, we believe in celebrating the humanness in the acting, filmmaking, and screenwriting industry.

We embrace the imperfections, the mishaps, and the beautiful messiness that comes with pursuing these crafts.

Our mission is to provide a platform that encourages individuals to fearlessly chase their artistic dreams and find fulfilment in their creative endeavours whether you pursue it full-time or on the side.

We celebrate mistakes because we understand that they are stepping stones on the path to growth and success.

In a competitive industry that sometimes emphasizes perfection, we believe that the most valuable lessons and breakthroughs often come from unexpected detours and missteps along the way.

We are here to remind you that mistakes are not failures but valuable opportunities for authentic storytelling.

After all, the best stories are ones where the characters overcome obstacles and process deep emotions.

Let’s not shame ourselves for experiencing set-backs in our actual lives.

Our guides and articles will cover:

  • Actor training, methods and tips
  • Filmmaking techniques, from short-budget films to feature films and TV
  • Screenwriting advice
  • Mindset approaches for this competitive industry
  • Creative business guidance – all the boring stuff like taxes, funding, representation and so on

Whether you’re an aspiring actor, filmmaker, or screenwriter, we want to inspire you to embrace your passion wholeheartedly.

We believe that pursuing these crafts should be driven by genuine fulfilment and a deep sense of purpose.

We encourage you to explore your unique voice, tell your stories, and empower yourself.

Our Values

We believe that everyone is a bit of a "Blooper". It's part of the human experience to be awkward, make mistakes and grow and the best stories reflect this. As a Blooper reader, you become part of the community and uphold these values:

  • Blooper Icon


    Celebrate your bloopers, mistakes and mishaps! See every blooper as an opportunity to grow and deepen your storytelling techniques.

  • Empower

    Empower yourself and others to follow a passion and believe in the stories we want to tell.

  • Blooper Icon Imperfection

    Embrace Imperfection

    We have to face a lot of rejection in these industries so a healthy mindset is key. When you let go of the need to be perfect, you can find beautiful stories to tell.

  • Have

    When you have an emotional investment in something, it can cause stress and pressure. As a Blooper, you should remind yourself that life is short and we should have fun regardless!

My mission

I created Blooper Magazine as I was frustrated with the industry mindset that you have to have "made it" to call yourself an actor.

What does that even mean?

This industry is not like any other job, you cannot get a permenant contract and work your way up the ladder.

It is harder to pursue it full time if you do not have financial backing.

Yet, most of the content out there encourages you to put everything you have into it, or else you have failed.
More about Amii Freeman
Amii Freeman Headshot Smile

Amii Freeman

Blooper Magazine Founder & Editor

My Portfolio